Get a personalized training program with one-on-one help the whole way.

Program Details

There are so many components to endurance training besides the running, biking, and swimming. Depending on what level your fitness and experience is at when we start working together, I offer 1 Year, 6 Months, 16 Week, 12 Week, and Month-to-Month options for training programs. Each program is personalized to match YOUR needs and get you prepared for YOUR race.

Strength Training

Strength training is included with every program. The workouts are sport specific to ensure your body stays muscularly balanced in order to prevent injury. Strength training will also improve your ability to climb and descend elevation change and increase power with each stride or stroke.

Mobility and Flexibility Training

Endurance sports involve a lot of repetitive motion and pounding on the joints. Mobility and flexibility exercises are included in each program and are essential for recover and preventing injury.

Mental Toughness Coaching

If you’ve done the training, then race day is 95% mental. During our weekly calls, I give you coaching on how to improve your mental toughness so that no matter what variables present themselves on race day, you’re able to power through them.

Race Specific Programming and Nutrition

No two races are alike and your training should reflect the type of terrain that you will be covering on race day. Additionally, endurance races are LONG and nutrition and hydration can make or break your race. I’ll make sure you have a proven plan so you know how to properly fuel your body on race day.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.